Last update: August 30, 2023
If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or need for an arbitration, create a topic in the Style Guide section, the Language Lead will get back to you.
Here you will find the guidance for French (Europe), but you should also consider the guidance for all languages.
1. Capitalization
- Capitalize only the first letter of a sentence and the names of people, products or places.
- Always apply your language conventions rather than adhering to the English source.
- When the first letter of a sentence bears an accent, accentuate the capital letter. Example: “À partir de”.
- When the writing of a word is tolerated with and without capitalization, choose its version without capitalization (examples: page web, site internet).
- Proper names
Proton Mail
Proton VPN
- Command/Folder names and keywords (first word only)
Enregistrer les modifications
- First word of a sentence, title or subtitle
Voici des informations sur les nouvelles offres.
- In UI items made up of 2 alternative commands separated by a slash, both are capitalized
Importer/Exporter le fichier
Do not capitalize
- Words like internet and web, except when they are the first word of a sentence
- Words after colon when in the same line
Anglicisme : emprunt linguistique Ă l'anglais
- Nationalities and languages
la nationalité française
Ă©crire en anglais
- Names of days, months and seasons
2. Gender
- We want to be as inclusive as possible, so we try to be neutral, but we use gender-specific nouns and verbs if remaining neutral goes against the writing best practices for a specific language.
- Basic principles:
- When possible, avoid the use of masculine singular form to refer to someone whose gender is unknown.
- Don’t suggest the reader’s gender using a specific grammatical forms. If you cannot use forms that are gender-free, rephrase the sentence.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
Are you sure you want to delete this calendar? | Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce calendrier ? | Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce calendrier ? |
If you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your payment in full within 30 days. | Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait, nous vous remboursons intégralement votre paiement dans les 30 jours. | Si le service ne vous donne pas entière satisfaction, nous vous rembourserons intégralement votre paiement dans les 30 jours. |
I am happy to help you. | Je suis heureux de vous aider. | C'est un plaisir de vous aider. |
If you are interested in Proton Mail… | Si vous êtes intéressé(e) par Proton Mail… | Si Proton Mail vous intéresse… |
I am not used to this tool. | Je ne suis pas habitué(e) à cet outil. | Cet outil ne m'est pas familier. |
- You can use passive language to avoid gender-specific verbs, but only if it doesn’t hurt readability and/or make the sentence sound unnatural.
- Apply the masculine form when an adjective, verb, or another part of speech refers to multiple nouns with different genders.
- Rephrase when you are unable to find a gender-neutral way.
The gender and number of the acronym are determined by the gender and number of the translation for the governing noun of the extended form. Here is an example: VPN (Virtual Personal Network) is masculine because the translation of “network” (“réseau”) is masculine.
3. Abbreviations
Whenever possible, avoid using abbreviations.
Abbreviate the text only when you lack space (mainly buttons, option names or strings with specific character limitations) or when you need to ease the text readibility. Instead of abbreviating (e.g., 4 or 5 consecutive words), summarize a term or a phrase in 2 or 3 words that can be written in full.
General criteria for shortening words:
- Omit at least two letters
- Truncate a word so that it ends with a consonant and place a period after it
- When a word contains a double consonant, truncate it at the second one and place a period after it
- Examples:
- Transcription
- Collection
- Transcription
Days abbreviations (in calendars, agendas, timetables… the names of days are written without a period for visual purposes):
English | Translation | Abbreviation |
Monday | lundi | lun. |
Tuesday | mardi | mar. |
Wednesday | mercredi | mer. |
Thursday | jeudi | jeu. |
Friday | vendredi | ven. |
Saturday | samedi | sam. |
Sunday | dimanche | dim. |
Months abbreviations (in calendars, agendas, timetables… the names of months are written without a period for visual purposes):
English | Translation | Abbreviation |
January | janvier | janv. |
February | février | févr. |
March | mars | mars |
April | avril | avr. |
May | mai | mai |
June | juin | juin |
July | juillet | juill. |
August | août | août |
September | septembre | sept. |
October | octobre | oct. |
November | novembre | nov. |
December | décembre | déc. |
4. Acronyms
- Common examples are VPN (Virtual Personal Network), DNS (Domain Name Server), HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), etc.
- The most common acronyms and their translations are included in the glossary. Always refer to the glossary when localizing acronyms.
- The gender and number of the acronym are determined by the gender and number of the translation for the main noun of the extended form.
API (Application Programming Interface) is feminine because the translation of “interface” (“interface”) is feminine.
- To choose the appropriate article to use in front of an acronym, consider the gender and the euphonic effect.
- Commonly used acronyms do not need explanations (DVD, LED, TV, etc.).
- When an acronym is repeated several times in the same section, include its extended form in parentheses only for its first occurrence.
5. Pronouns
- English, especially technical English, is more redundant than some other languages.
- When translating, you often need to reduce the redundancy of the source text using pronouns. This may otherwise affect the text readability. However, this must not affect accuracy.
- When translating technical and complex strings, ensure users can associate pronouns to the noun they refer to.
- Avoid the use of possessive pronouns when possible.
- Omit pronoun subjects such as “we” and “you".
English | We avoid | We prefer |
Contacts successfully imported. The imported contacts will now appear in your contact list. | Les contacts ont été importés avec succès. Les contacts importés apparaissent désormais dans votre liste de contacts. | Les contacts ont été importés. Ils apparaîtront dans votre liste de contacts. |
Events successfully imported. The imported events will now appear in your calendar. | Les événements ont été importés avec succès. Les événements importés apparaissent désormais dans votre calendrier. | Les événements ont été importés. Ils apparaîtront dans votre calendrier. |
6. Gerunds (“ing” ending)
- Gerunds are used in English, such as in “Creating a report”.
- Depending on the context, they can be translated using the infinitive (in the case of an action or a title) or using the French French expression for “in progress”.
English | Context | We avoid | We prefer |
Generating keys | Action or title | Génération des clés | Générer les clés |
Generating keys | Processing | Génération des clés | Génération des clés en cours |
Importing | Action or title | Importation | Importer |
Importing | Processing | Importation | Importation en cours |
Importing data from %1s to %2s | Action or title | Importation des données de %1s vers %2s. | Importer les données depuis %1s vers %2s. |
Importing data from %1s to %2s | Processing | Importation des données de %1s vers %2s. | Les données sont en cours d'importation depuis %1s vers %2s. |
7. Punctuation
If you need help, you can check this website.
7.1 Period
- For the period at the end of a sentence (subject + verb), adapt the source to your language usage: when the English source does not put a period at the end of the sentence (subject + verb), but should in your language, add it in your translation. In this case, make sure that the text you are translating is not a part of a longer sentence (this is usually specified in the context).
- Include a period at the end of each extended sentence in a bullet list if this sentence has a full meaning by itself.
- Unless the item includes more than one sentence, do not place any periods at the end of titles, links, nominative phrases, buttons and checkboxes.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
This footer is added after your signature | Ce pied de page est ajouté après votre signature | Ce pied de page est ajouté après votre signature. |
Impossible to load content. Please enable Chrome | Impossible de charger le contenu, veuillez activer Chrome | Impossible de charger le contenu, veuillez activer Chrome. |
This message will expire in %s | Ce message expirera dans %s | Ce message expirera dans %s. |
Signature verification error. | Erreur de vérification de la signature. | Erreur de vérification de la signature |
Unknown error. | Erreur inconnue. | Erreur inconnue |
7.2 Exclamation mark
- Exclamation marks are used to give emphasis.
- As their use is less common than in English, you should use them sparingly: feel free to change an exclamation mark into a period if it is more natural, but please don’t change a period into an exclamation mark.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
The PIN codes must match! | Les codes PIN doivent ĂŞtre identiques ! | Les codes PIN doivent ĂŞtre identiques. |
Can’t create a SRP verifier! | Impossible de créer un vérificateur SRP ! | Impossible de créer un vérificateur SRP |
You have %d new emails! | Vous avez %d nouveaux messages ! | Vous avez %d nouveaux messages. |
Theme reset! Redirecting… | Thème réinitialisé ! Redirection… | Le thème a été réinitialisé. Redirection en cours… |
Importing contacts complete! | Importation des contacts terminée ! | L’importation des contacts est terminée. |
7.3 Parentheses
- Parentheses are used to clarify statements or provide additional information.
- Let’s avoid parentheses as much as possible and adapt to the context.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
Please choose a display name to finish setting up your account. (Other people will see this.) | Veuillez choisir un nom d'affichage pour terminer la configuration de votre compte (d’autres personnes le verront). | Choisissez un nom d'affichage pour terminer la configuration de votre compte, d'autres personnes le verront. |
We also support importing vCard. (UTF-8 encoding) | Nous prenons aussi en charge l'importation de vCard. (encodage UTF-8). | Nous prenons aussi en charge l'importation de vCard (encodage UTF-8). |
7.4 Comma
Do not place a comma before “et” and “ou” when the conjunction is used to link two related terms.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
You can also add, delete, and edit them by clicking… | Vous pouvez également les ajouter, les supprimer, et les modifier en cliquant… | Vous pouvez également les ajouter, les supprimer et les modifier en cliquant… |
Assign permissions to users, or groups | Attribuer des autorisations aux utilisateurs, ou aux groupes | Attribuer des autorisations aux utilisateurs ou aux groupes |
7.5 Colon and semicolon
- Colons and semicolons are all preceded by a non-breaking space.
- There is no capital letter starting the word that follows the semicolon.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
Date: Old to new | Date: Du plus ancien au plus récent | Date : du plus ancien au plus récent |
Download paused: Low battery | Téléchargement mis en pause: Batterie faible | Téléchargement mis en pause : batterie faible |
7.6 Em dash (—), en dash (–), hyphen (-)
- In English, an Em or En dash is used to demarcate an isolated element, to introduce an item that is not essential to the sentence’s meaning, to emphasize a sudden change in thought or to bring focus to a list.
- It is often more appropriate to use a comma, a full stop or parenthesis instead.
- Also, the Em dash is not used for date ranges, therefore you should use “Du… au” instead.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
In case the default value is unsuitable for a particular network, enter a value within 1280–1500 range. | Si la valeur par défaut ne convient pas à un réseau particulier, entrez une valeur comprise entre 1280 - 1500. | Si la valeur par défaut n'est pas adaptée à un réseau particulier, entrez une valeur comprise entre 1280 et 1500 |
Secure access to your favorite content from other countries — Now available on Android TV. | Accès sécurisé à vos contenus préférés depuis d'autres pays — Désormais disponible sur Android TV. | Accédez à votre contenu favori en toute sécurité depuis d'autres pays (maintenant disponible sur Android TV). |
More than 12 hours passed since last update — ${ CALENDAR_APP_NAME } will try to update the calendar in a few hours. | Plus de 12 heures se sont écoulées depuis la dernière mise à jour — ${ CALENDAR_APP_NAME } essaiera de mettre à jour le calendrier dans quelques heures. | La dernière mise à jour remonte à plus de 12 heures. ${ CALENDAR_APP_NAME } essaiera de mettre à jour le calendrier dans quelques heures. |
September 10 - 20 | 10 - 20 septembre | Du 10 au 20 septembre |
7.7 Quotation marks
- Use these specific quotation marks or guillemets: « example ».
- Place the period outside the closing quotation mark.
- There is always a non-breaking space after the first guillemets and another one before the second.
- You can use these keyboard shortcuts on Windows:
- Opening quotation mark => hold down the “Alt” key while typing the number “174”
- Close guillemet => hold down the “Alt” key while typing the number “175”
- Unbreakable space => hold down the “Alt” key while typing the number “255”
English | We avoid | We prefer |
The “From:” address is invalid. Please change it to a valid one | L'adresse “De :” n'est pas valide. Veuillez la remplacer par une adresse valide | L'adresse dans le champ « De » n'est pas valide. Remplacez-la par une adresse valide. |
Are you sure you want to delete this calendar? “%1$s” will be set as default calendar. | Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce calendrier ? “%1$s” sera défini comme calendrier par défaut. | Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce calendrier ? « %1$s » deviendra votre calendrier par défaut. |
File “${ name }” was deleted during download | Le fichier “${ name }” a été supprimé pendant le téléchargement | Le fichier « ${ name } » a été supprimé pendant le téléchargement. |
7.8 Apostrophes
Use straight apostrophes Nous vous conseillons de l'activer.
7.9 Ampersand (&)
Replace “&” with “et” unless it is part of a company/product name or a registered trademark.
8 Spacing and non-breaking spaces
- All double punctuation marks (quotation marks, colons and semicolons, exclamation and question marks) are preceded by a non-breaking space.
- Use non-breaking spaces to prevent improper division of elements such as product names, part numbers, numbers, dates, etc.
- When using currency symbols or units of measurement, include a non-breaking space between number and sign.
- To insert a non-breaking space using your keyboard:
- On Windows, hold down the “Alt” key while typing the number “255”.
- On Apple, Ctrl + Option⌥ + Space bar.
English | French | [non-breaking space] |
First step: click | Première étape : cliquez | Première étape[non-breaking space]: cliquez |
Thank you! | Merci ! | Merci[non-breaking space]! |
Why? | Pourquoi ? | Pourquoi[non-breaking space]? |
30% | 30 % | 30[non-breaking space]% |
5€ | 5 € | 5[non-breaking space]€ |
1 GB | 1 Go | 1[non-breaking space]Go |
Message “%s” does not exist. | Le message « %s » n'existe pas. | Le message «[non-breaking space]%s[non-breaking space]» n'existe pas. |
9 Numbers
- Replace the period that stands for the decimal point in American English with a comma in your translations.
- For numbers smaller than 1, always put a zero before the decimal comma.
- The period in app/software version numbers remains unchanged.
Proton Mail v.3
- As a thousand separator, use a non-breaking space. Never use thousand separators in years.
15,000 and year 201515 000 et année 2015
- Time and date:
- Hours and minutes are separated by a colon. Use the 24 hour format to specify A.M. and P.M.
at 9:25 P.MĂ 21:25
- The date format is “dd/mm/yy”.
01-31-22 (mm/dd/yy)31/01/22
- Hours and minutes are separated by a colon. Use the 24 hour format to specify A.M. and P.M.
10 Ordinal numbers
- Ordinal numbers may be written in with numerals and letter suffixes, where the suffix acts as an ordinal indicator.
- Singular: graphical rendition of the suffix depends on the font.
- Plural: in case of plural, we prefer to use the complete word.
English | Singular M | Singular F | Plural M | Plural F |
1st | 1er | 1re | premiers | premières |
2nd | 2e | 2e | deuxièmes | deuxièmes |
2nd (when last item) | 2d | 2de | seconds | secondes |
3rd | 3e | 3e | troisièmes | troisièmes |
4th | 4e | 4e | quatrièmes | quatrièmes |
5th | 5e | 5e | cinquièmes | cinquièmes |
6th | 6e | 6e | sixièmes | sixièmes |
7th | 7e | 7e | septièmes | septièmes |
8th | 8e | 8e | huitièmes | huitièmes |
9th | 9e | 9e | neuvièmes | neuvièmes |
10th | 10e | 10e | dixièmes | dixièmes |
11 Currencies
- Do not convert USD ($) or EUR (€) amounts to any local currency.
- Place the USD or EUR code or the symbol €, $ after the number and separate it with a non-breaking space from the number.
Amount of €30Montant de 30 € or Montant de 30 EUR
12 Units of measurement
- Use the metric system.
- Insert a non-breaking space between a number and the relevant unit.
- Convert imperial units into metric units.
6 feet1,83 m
Category | Measurement unit | Translation | Abbreviation |
LINEAR | Kilometer Meter Centimeter Millimeter |
Kilomètre Mètre Centimètre Millimètre |
km m cm mm |
MASS | Ton Kilogram Pound |
Tonne Kilogramme Livre |
t kg lb |
IMPERIAL | Inch Feet Mile Gallon |
Pouce Pied Mille Gallon |
po pi mi gal |
COMPUTING | Byte (B) Megabyte (MB) Gigabyte (GB) Terabyte (TB) |
Octet MĂ©gaoctet Gigaoctet TĂ©raoctet |
o Mo Go To |
13 Form of address
Use the second-person plural (“vous”) form of address (formal).
Open navigation Ouvrez la navigation
14 English/US terms and formulations
Please is often used in English to introduce an instruction.
- In the context of a simple instruction, instead of a literal translation we will not translate it to keep the sentences short and the style lighter.
Please try again laterRĂ©essayez plus tard
- In the case of an error message or a problematic situation, instead of a literal translation we will use a benevolent formula.
Verification code sending failed. Please try again.Le code de vérification n'a pas pu être envoyé, nous vous invitons à réessayer.
A payment error occurred. Please try again later or create a free plan.Une erreur de paiement s’est produite. Nous vous invitons à réessayer plus tard ou à créer un compte gratuit.
And more
And more (as well as “and much more”) is a very US formulation to end sentences. Instead of a literal translation:
- As part of a list, we replace it by “…”.
Access your streaming services, like Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, and many others, no matter where you are.Accédez à vos services de streaming comme Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video… où que vous soyez.
- In other situations, we repeat/specify the subject concerned.
When it comes to securing your business, we’re here to help with our encrypted email, calendar, VPN, and much more.Lorsqu'il s'agit de sécuriser votre entreprise, nous sommes là pour vous aider grâce à nos e-mails chiffrés, notre calendrier, notre VPN et bien d'autres fonctionnalités.
Now, as in “buy now” or “download now”, is also a very US formulation. Instead of a literal translation, we will simply not translate it.
Get Proton VPN now Téléchargez Proton VPN
Successfully is also a very US formulation. Instead of a literal translation, we don’t translate it at all.
Your Proton account was successfully created. Votre compte Proton a été créé
Failed should not be literally translated, as much as possible.
Message decryption failed. Le message n’a pas pu être déchiffré. (rather than “Le déchiffrement du message a échoué.”)
Formulation: let’s make sentences
Concerning formulation, let’s make sentences (subject + verb) as much as possible, even if it means moving away from the source a bit.
“Participation status updated.” “Le statut de participation a été mis à jour.” (rather than “Statut de participation mis à jour.”)
15 Foreign words
- The decision about the use of foreign words (keeping it in English) rather than an equivalent term in your language is based on how widespread the use of the word is. An English term might be recommended when its use has become very common.
- To find out how common a word is, you can use internet search engines. Search for the English word and for the corresponding translation in your language on your preferred search engine. The number of occurrences in each case will be an indication of how popular the use of each word is. If in doubt for an important term, ask Proton Localization team to make an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) check.
- Foreign words might be accompanied by quotation marks or italics when their use is not widely spread. However, English words that are widely accepted for use are kept as they are in the original but do not take the ending “s” in the plural case.
- When foreign words are common and well understood, they can be left in the source language. Where necessary, add an explanation in the target language.
- Avoid using too many anglicisms.
16 Localizing person names
- Localize fictitious person names used for explanatory purposes, choosing a name that is generic but not stereotypical.
Please enter your display name (e.g. Julia Smith)Saisissez votre nom tel que vous souhaitez qu'il s'affiche (Julie Roux par exemple)
- Do not localize real persons’ names.
Bart Butler is a senior engineer at Proton MailBart Butler est ingénieur principal à Proton Mail
17 Localizing domains and email addresses
Localize fictitious domain names and e-mail addresses used for explanatory purposes:
- Translate the local-part of an e-mail address
- Translate the domain name
- Use your target country code at the end
English | Translation |
Proton Mail allows you to keep your business email address (you****). | Avec Proton Mail vous pouvez garder votre adresse Ă©lectronique professionnelle (vous****). |
Receive all email sent to addresses in your domain that do not exist (e.g., “”). | Recevez tous les e-mails qui sont envoyés à des adresses de votre domaine qui n'existent pas, comme « ». |
However, do not localize any real email addresses or domain names.
To reset your mailbox password, please use the web version of Proton Mail at
Pour réinitialiser le mot de passe de votre boîte mail, utilisez la version web de Proton Mail sur
18 Error/success/info messages
18.1 Structured sentences
As much as possible, translate these messages in structured sentences (subject+verb at least), in the active form and with the appropriate punctuation.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
Error updating event | Erreur de mise à jour de l'événement | Une erreur s'est produite lors de la mise à jour de l'événement. |
Attaching Photo Failed | Échec de l'attachement de la photo | La photo n'a pas pu être ajoutée. |
Failed to determine type of file | Échec de la détermination du type de fichier | Le type de fichier n'a pas pu être déterminé. |
Contact saved | Contact enregistré | Le contact a été enregistré. |
Address copied to clipboard | Adresse copiée dans le presse-papiers | L'adresse a été copiée dans le presse-papiers. |
Duplicate key updated | Clé dupliquée mise à jour | La clé dupliquée a été mise à jour. |
18.2 Nominal phrases
In the case of nominal phrases, do not use a final period.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
Authentication error. | Erreur d'authentification. | Erreur d'authentification |
Unknown error. | Erreur inconnue. | Erreur inconnue |
Primary key error. | Erreur de clé principale. | Erreur de clé principale |
18.3 Full and clear negation
Use full and clear negation whenever possible as this ensures that there can be no confusion for users, even when reading quickly.
English | We avoid | We prefer |
Invalid email address | Adresse email invalide | L'adresse e-mail n'est pas valide. |
Event not found | Événement introuvable | L'événement n'a pas été trouvé. |
No results found | Pas de résultats | Aucun résultat n'a été trouvé. |
19 Localizing CTA (Call To Action) buttons
Depending on the content (support, landing page…) and on the location of the CTA button, the infinitive or the 2nd person plural can be used. Check and validate with the language lead.
For neutral instructions or additionnal information, use infinitive:
Copier le lien
Découvrir toutes les fonctionnalités
En savoir plus
Voir les offres d'emploi actuelles
For formulations such as “Get Proton XX” or “Create an Account”, use infivitive:
Obtenir Proton for Business
Obtenir un compte gratuit
Choisir un abonnement payant
Créer un compte gratuit
Créer un compte e-mail gratuit
For engaging buttons, use 2nd person plural:
Partagez cette page sur LinkedIn
Achetez une carte cadeau
Visitez notre boutique
Devenez partenaire